Associate Professor Dr Salmi Razali
MD(UKM), MMed(Psych)(UKM), PhD (Monash, Australia)
Consultant Psychiatrist and Associate Professor in Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Researcher ID:

Dr Salmi has published a few books for teaching in psychology and psychiatry. She also shared her experience as a doctor and consultant specialist in psychiatry through module books for psychotherapy. Below is the list of her published books
List of Published Books

Nor Hidayah & Salmi Razali et. al (2022); Protocol of Video and Internet Assisted Problem Solving Skills (V-PROBS)
ISBN : 978-967-19662-3-5

Nor Hidayah Jaris ...Salmi Razali et al (2024)
Empowering communities through Women's Mental Health Care: Initiatives and Projects for Women Advancement
e ISBN: 978-629-99574-1-6

Nu Naqibah Hairudin, Nor Hidayah Jaris, Salmi Razali and Iman Mohamed Ali (2024) ; Dunia Depresi:
e-ISBN 978-967-19662-8-0

Sakinah Idris...Salmi Razali et al. (2023)
COMPRISE: A Guidebook for General Practitioners
ISBN 978-967-19662-5-9

Nurul Azreen Hashim....Salmi Razali et al (2022) ; Krisis Kesihatan Mental: Panduan Daripada Pakar Untuk Membantu Orang Yang Tersayang
e ISBN 978-967-19662-2-8

Dr Salmi Razali (2009)
ABPC2103 Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 978-967-316-521-6

Salmi Razali et al (2017) ; PEACE for Women: Modul Kesejahteraan Minda dan Kesihatan Wanita;
ISBN 978-967-15309-0-0

Dr Salmi Razali (2009)
ABPC2103 Abnormal Psychology
ISBN 978-967-316-521-6

Dr Salmi Razali
(Ist ed 2011, 4th ed 2014);
ABPD Adolescent Psychology;
ISBN 978-967-316-697-8

Dr Salmi Razali
(1st ed 2012, 2nd ed 2016)
ABPG2103 Introduction to Health Psychology
ISBN 978-967-316-922-1
Chapter in book
Nor Hidayah Jaris, Salmi Razali et al. (2024) I-L. O. V. E-YOU: Effective Communications Skills to Empower Women's'Voices; Chapter in Book in; Empowering Communities Through Women's Healthcare The 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Development Community Summit Initiatives & Projects For Women Advancement;eISBN: 978-629-99574-1-6
Salmi Razali (2024) Chapter 2: Violence Against Women; in Introduction in Empowering the Community through Women's Mental Healthcare: eISBN 978-629-99574-1-6
Yuhaniz Ahmad... and Salmi Razali (2024) Intimate Partner Violence and Cyberbullying in Malaysia: Exposing the Covert Abusive Behaviours in Digital Era ; Chapter in Book in Empowering the Community through Women's Mental Healthcare: eISBN 978-629-99574-1-6
Nabhiah Ahamad Fouzi ...and Salmi Razali (2024) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Intimate Partner Violence: The Dark Memories of the Survivors at Shelter Homes; Chapter in Book; in in Introduction in Empowering the Community through Women's Mental Healthcare: eISBN 978-629-99574-1-6
Nur Aisyah Chua Abdullah and Salmi Razali (2024). Incurable Mental Illness:Revisiting the Conciliation Process Prior to Non-Muslim Divorce Proceedings in Malaysia; Chapter in Book in The Law Review: Issn no; 1985-0891
Salmi Razali and Sakinah Idris (2023) Chapter 1: Anxiety Disorder; Chapter in Book in Common Psychiatric Disorders: Management in Primary Care Settings (COMPRISE); A Guidebook for General Practitioners; eISBN 978-967-19662-5-9
Salmi Razali, Salwani Ibrahim (2022) Chapter 1: Introduction; Health & Wellness@ Uni; A Module to Enhance Students’ Health and Well-being; eISBN 978967363839-0
Noor Aiennatul Mardhiyah Abdul Wahab, Sakinah Idris, Salmi Razali Chapter 2:Stress Management & Empowerment; Health & Wellness @ Uni; A Module to Enhance Students’ Health and Well-being; eISBN 978967363839-0
Salmi Razali, Sakinah Idris Chapter 3:Mental Illness; Health & Wellness @ Uni; A Module to Enhance Students’ Health and Well-being; eISBN 978967363839-0
Salmi Razali, Dina Tukhvatullina and Daria Smirnova (2022) Comprehensive Management of Violence Against Women: Putting WHO Recommendations into Practice; in Handbook on Optimizing Patient Care in Psychiatry by Amresh Shrivastava, Avinash Desousa, Nilesh B Shah. Routledge, Taylor & Francis; Available at
Salmi Razali (2021) in Moni Sood (Ed) Chapter in Book; Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders, Woman-to-Woman; Women's Health, Amazon eKindle, ASIN B0986HSRH7
Salmi Razali, Norhidayah Jaris, Nur faizah Ali and Khairol Ahmad Ramadhani Md Isa (2021) in Jabatan Psikiatri, Fakulti Perubatan UiTM 8 (Ed), Chapter in book: Pengenalan Modul Rawatan Penyakit Psikiatri dan Masalah Psikologi (Introduction to Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders and Psychological Problem) ISBN 978-967-19662-0-4
Salmi Razali, Nor Jannah Nasution Raduan, Nur Faizah ali and Fadriatul Hafinaz (2021) in Jabatan Psikiatri, Fakulti Perubatan UiTM (Ed), Chapter in book: Kepentingan Pengambilan Ubat (The Importance of Adherence to Medications) ISBN 978-967-19662-0-4
Sakinah Idris, Siti Aminah Omar, Aqilah Hussin and Salmi Razali (2021) in Jabatan Psikiatri, Fakulti Perubatan UiTM (Ed), Chapter in book: Cara Menangani Masalah (Problem Solving Skills ) ISBN 978-967- 19662-0-4
Salmi Razali, Maggie Kirkman and Jane Fisher (2020) in Gina Wong and George Parharm (Ed); Chapter 14: Maternal Filicide in Malaysia; Structural Inequality and Cultural Disparity; Infanticide and Filicide; Foundations in Maternal Mental Health Forensics; American Psychiatric Association (APA) Publishing; ISBN 978-1-61537-351-2;
Salmi Razali & Husna Hassan Basri (2019) In Mini Sood ; Postpartum Psychiatric Disorder;Woman to Woman; Helping hands are caring hands;Amazon Kindle; ASIN: B0812YD4DC
Umi AS…….. Salmi Razali; MODUL TIARA MURNI: Modul Terapi Ringkas Kognitif dan Tingkah Laku Merawat Kemurungan Postnatal Ibu; Institut Kesihatan Umum, Institut Kesihatan Negara, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (ISBN 9789832387343)
Salmi Razali (2017) In Mini Sood ;Substance and Drug Abuse in Pregnancy (Chapter 15 ) Maternal and Child Health in Urban Slums; A Guide for Health Worker (Eds) Kindle e-book :
Salmi Razali et al (2017); In Muhd Rahimi Osman, Ghafarullahuddin Din, Najahudin Lateh (Eds) ; Say " No" to Social Transgression , Violence and Victimisation through "PEACE for Women"; Contemporary Issues on Zakat , Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy ; Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, UiTM ( ISBN 978-967-0171-80-7)
Translated Book
Suthahar A/l S. Ariaratnam , Salmi Binti Razali ,David Castle, Nga Tran,"Maklumat Perubatan Psikiatri: Satu Panduan untuk Pesakit-pesakit -penjaga", St. Vincent’s Mental Health, Melbourne