Associate Professor Dr Salmi Razali
MD(UKM), MMed(Psych)(UKM), PhD (Monash, Australia)
Consultant Psychiatrist and Associate Professor in Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Researcher ID:

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List of Published Journal Articles
- Razali, S., Jaris, N. H., Muuti, M. Z., Abdullah, N. C., & Ali, I. M. (2024). Intrafamilial and Extrafamilial Child Homicide in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 20(5).[Q4 Scopus indexed]
- Fountoulakis, K. N., Alias,... Salmi Razali ... & Smirnova, D. (2024). Students' mental health during the pandemic: results of the observational cross-sectional COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for university Students (COMET-S) study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1320156; JCR Q2 Psychiatry
- Fountoulakis, K. N., Karakatsoulis, G. N., ..Salmi Razali... & Vega-Dienstmaier, J. M. (2024). Somatic multicomorbidity and disability in patients with psychiatric disorders in comparison to the general population: a quasi-epidemiological investigation in 54,826 subjects from 40 countries (COMET-G study). CNS spectrums, 29(2), 126-149.; SCOPUS indexed publication
- Fountoulakis, K. N., Vrublevska, Salmi Razali ... & Widiasih, N. (2024). Non-binary gender, vulnerable populations and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the COVID-19 MEntal health inTernational for the general population (COMET-G) study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 352, 536-551.;SJR Psychiatry Q1 Clinical Psychology/Q1 psychiatry and mental health
- Zainal-Abidin, A. N. I., Miptah, H. N., Ariffin, F., Razali, S., & Badlishah-Sham, S. F. (2024). Association of coping mechanisms with medication adherence among young People living with HIV (PLHIV) in Klang Valley. Heliyon, Scopus indexed 10(4).;
- Sham, F., Hamzah, A., Razali, S., & Jamiat, N. (2024). Gender Identity Disorder and Self-Stigma Among University Students in Selangor. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 9(27), 127-133.
- Nuraisyah Chua Abdullah and Salmi Razali (2024) Incurable Mental Illness:Revisiting the Conciliation Process Prior to Non-Muslim Divorce Proceedings in Malaysia; The Law review ; Thomson Reuters
- Razali, S, Yuhaniz Ahmad, Self-Reported Exposure to Domestic Violence and Family Dynamics During the Pandemic of Covid-19 in Malaysia; Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences; In-press
- Jaris, N. H., Razali, S., Ali, I. M., Menaldi, A., Ali, N. F., Zainuddin, M. F., ... & Zainuddin, M. Z. (2023). Social Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy among Youth in Selangor, Malaysia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 8(26), 3-9.WOS indexed journal. - Razali, S., Jaris, N. H., Ali, I. M., Asih, S. R., Ali, N. F., Zainuddin, M. F., ... & Zainuddin, M. Z. (2023). Young People-Social Problem-Solving Skills: Development and Psychometric Properties. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 8(26), 11-17WOS indexed journal - Brown, T., Tyson, D., Arias, P. F., & Razali, S. (2023). The challenge of understanding and preventing filicide. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1159443.;WOS indexed journal. JCR Q1 Psychology;Multidisciplinary - N. Fountoulakis, K., N. Karakatsoulis, ...Salmi Razali, ... & Vukovic, O. (2023). Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the health professionals (COMET-HP) study: depression, suicidal tendencies and conspiracism. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 58(9), 1387-1410.;WOS indexed journal. JCR Q2 Psychiatry ;
- Jacob, M. F. F., Razali, S., Ali, N. F., Khamis, J., & Ahmad, Y. (2023). Prevalence and risk factors contributing to recidivism among patients admitted to Forensic Unit Hospital Permai Johor Bahru Malaysia. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 79, 103325.;WOS indexed journal. JCR Q1 Psychiatry - Razali, S., Hashim, N. A., Anne, S. J., Raduan, N. J. N., Tukhvatullina, D., Smirnova, D., & Fountoulakis, K. N. (2023) Changes in the pattern of eating habit and physical activity during the pandemic of COVID-19 in Malaysia: data from COMET-G international multi-country study.;WOS indexed journal. JCR Q1 Psychiatry - Razali, S., Saw, J. A., Hashim, N. A., Raduan, N. J. N., Tukhvatullina, D., Smirnova, D., & Fountoulakis, K. N. (2022). Suicidal behaviour amid first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia: data from the COVID-19 mental health international (COMET-G) study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 998888.WoS indexed journal.JCR Q2 Psychiatry - Razali, S., Jaris, N. H., Muuti, M. Z., & Abdullah, N. C. (2022). Child homicide amounting to murder in Malaysia: descriptive analysis of the statistics and causes. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 854539.WOS indexed journal. JCR Q1 Psychiatry - Yaacob, Y. M., Razali, S., & Ahmad, Y. (2022). The Prevalence of Clinical Depression and Its Associated Factors Among Adult Inmates in Kajang Prison, Malaysia. The Prison Journal, 102(5), 586-609.Wos indexed journal JCR Q4 CRIMINOLOGY & PENOLOGY - Hasbollah, N. N., Abu Bakar, A. K., Shuib, N., Jamil, A. T., Razali, S., & Md Som, S. (2022). Maintaining functional working memory through job activities: A study among patients with schizophrenia enrolled in a supported employment program. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 57(2), 141-150. Wos Indexed journal - Fountoulakis, K. N., Karakatsoulis, G. N., Salmi Razali... & Vega-Dienstmaier, J. M. (2022). The effect of different degrees of lockdown and self-identified gender on anxiety, depression and suicidality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Data from the international COMET-G study. Psychiatry research, 315, 114702.;WOS indexed journal. JCR Q1 Psychiatry - Zainal-Abidin, A. N. I., Ariffin, F., Badlishah-Sham, S. F., & Razali, S. (2022). Exploring spiritual and religious coping among PLHIV in a Malaysian Muslim community: a qualitative study. HIV/AIDS (Auckland, NZ), 14, 409.Wos indexed journal - Emran, F., Hashim, N. A., & Razali, S. (2022). Parental stress in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 23(3).Wos indexed journal - Razali, S., Tukhvatullina, D., & Smirnova, D. (2022). Comprehensive Management of Violence Against Women: Putting WHO Recommendations Into Practice. In Handbook on Optimizing Patient Care in Psychiatry (pp. 65-78). Routledge.SCOPUS indexed book publication - Fountoulakis, K. N., Karakatsoulis, G., Abraham, Salmi Razali ... & Vega-Dienstmaier, J. M. (2022). Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 54, 21-40. European Neuropsychopharmacology; JCR Q1 Clinical Neurology;Q1 Neurosicence , Q2 Psychiatry
- Vallejo-Vaz, A. J., Stevens, C. A., Lyons, A. R., Dharmayat, K. I., Freiberger, T., Hovingh, G. K., ... & Li, Y. (2021). Global perspective of familial hypercholesterolaemia: a cross-sectional study from the EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC). The Lancet, 398(10312), 1713-1725.(Refer list of researchers names from Malaysia)
- Razali, S., Abdullah, M. N., Rahman, N. A., Azhar, N. A., & Yaacob, S. S. (2021). Psychological distress of health Care Workers in the Main Admitting Hospital and its Related Health Care Facilities in Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 33(5), 667-669.WoS indexed Journal ; JCR Q3 PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH - Razali, S., Daud, S., Abdullah, B., & Ariffin, F. (2021). Opinion of Young People on the Crises of Emerging Adulthood: Premarital Sex, Ex-nuptial Pregnancy and Infant Abandonment. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 6(SI4), 21-26. WoS Indexed Journal - Salmi, R., Izwan, M. N. M., Azreen, H. N., & Hapizah, M. N. (2021). Stress among University Staff. Is Working in Suburban Campus Better?. Academia, (23-24), 85-105.SCOPUS indexed journal SJR Q4 education - Sham, F., Ismail, A., Him, T. N. A. T., & Razali, S. (2021). View and Experiences of Unwanted Pregnancy among Malays Teenage Mother. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 6(SI4), 27-32.;Wos indexed journal - Nazali, M. I. M., Razali, S., Ariaratnam, S., Ahmad, Y., & Nawawi, H. (2021). The 2019 Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia staff survey: Determining the level and predictors of quality of life. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 705018. Wos Indexed journal - Ali, N. F., Raduan, N. J. N., Razali, S., & Ismial, Z. (2021). Psychological distress and burnout the duo phenomena among medical officers in a tertiary hospital in Malaysia. ASEAN J Psychiatry, 22, 1-12.;Wos Indexed journal - Chapter 14: Maternal Filicide in Malaysia : Structural Inequality and Cultural Disparity in (Ed) Infanticide and Filicide ; Foundations in Maternal Mental health Forensics
- Razali, S., Kirkman, M., & Fisher, J. (2020). Why women commit filicide: opinions of health, social work, education and policy professionals in Malaysia. Child abuse review, 29(1), 73-84.WoS indexed Journal ;JCR Q3 Family Studies; Social Work - Razali, S., Yap, B. W., Chua, Y. A., & Nawawi, H. M. (2020). Determinants for Healthy Lifestyle of Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5(14), 75-81. Wos Indexed journal - Hadi, N. M. N., Ahmad, F., Isa, M. R., & Razali, S. (2020). Coping Strategy and Depression among Caregivers of Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Care. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5(14), 69-74.Wos Indexed journal
- Jaris, N. H., Chidambaram, S. K., Salleh, M. R., & Razali, S. (2020). Factors Contributing to Depressive Disorder among Patients with Retroviral Disease. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 5(14), 83-89.Wos Indexed journal
- Razali, S., Kirkman, M., & Fisher, J. (2020). Why women commit filicide: opinions of health, social work, education and policy professionals in Malaysia. Child abuse review, 29(1), 73-84.;WoS indexed Journal ;JCR Q3 Family Studies; Social Work - Ali, N. F., Raduan, N. J. N., Ismail, Z., & Razali, S. (2019). Burnout and Coping Skills amongst Medical Officers: A study in a tertiary hospital in Malaysia. Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 4(12), 141-147.;WoS indexed Journal - Razali, S., Yung-An, C., Nazali, M. I. M., & Nawawi, H. M. (2019). Determining predictors of depression and anxiety for prevention of common mental illness among staff of an academic institution in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Quality of Life, 4(17), 1-13.WoS indexed Journal - Ali, Nur Faizah, Nasution Raduan Nor Jannah, Ismail Zaliha, Razali, Salmi (2019);Burnout and Coping Skills amongst Medical Officers: A study in a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia;Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal; 4(12) 141-147
- Razali Salmi, Yung-An Chua, Mat Nazali Mohd Izwan, M Nawawi Hapizah (2019); Depression and Its Contributing Factors; A Study among Staff of An Academic Institution in Malaysia; Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal; 4(12) 61-66
- Salmi Razali, Zaliha Ismail, Yung An Chua, Hapizah M Nawawi (2019); Quality of Life and Its Contributing Factors in Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in Malaysia; 4(10)
- Razali, Zaliha Ismail, Najib Abdullah, Hapizah M Nawawi (2019); Illness Perception of Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia varies with Level of Education and Presence of Cardiovascular Disease; Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal; 4(10) 72-78
List of Abstract and Proceeding
Yuhaniz Ahmad & Salmi Razali (2024) for Intimate Partner Violence and Cyberbullying in Malaysia, Exposing the Covert Abusive Behaviours in Digital Era; 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Development Community Summit, 2024
Salmi Razali, Nor Hidayah Jaris, et al (2024) Award for " Family Dynamics and Depression among University Students" International Conference on Social Science and Public Policy, Kedah, 2024
Fatimah Sham, Salmi Razali et al (2024) for " Dahlia Women Empowerment Program; 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence"International Convention on Women's Mental Health and Empowerment, 2024, Institute of Social, Malaysia.
Firdaus. Fatimah Sham, Salmi al (2024) " for Brave Heart Dahlia Reach Out Program Resilience for Recovery from Crisis"; International Convention on Women's Mental Health and Empowerment, 2024, Institute of Social, Malaysia.
Yuhaniz Ahmad & Salmi Razali (2024) for " Silent Suffering of Intimate Partner Violence, Depression and Suicidality: Disclosure of Covert Aggressive Behaviours via Online Survey. International Convention on Women's Mental Health and Empowerment, 2024, Institute of Social, Malaysia
Salmi Razali & Nabihah Ahamad Fouzi (2024)for " Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Intimate Partner Violence: The Dark Memories of the Survivors at Shelter Homes; 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Development Community Summit, 2024
Salmi Razali & Nabihah Ahamad Fouzi (2024) for Prevalence of Various Types of Violence and the Risk for Depression and Anxiety among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence at Shelter Homes.International Convention on Women's Mental Health and Empowerment, 2024, Institute of Social, Malaysia
Nor Hidayah Jaris...Salmi Razali et al (2024) for "DREAMS" Disability Invention, Design and Innovation (DIDI2024), UiTM
Salmi Razali et al (2024) for " Empowering Psychological Skills and Sexuality & Reproductive Knowledge of Girls and Women at Shelter Homes -PEACE FOR WOMEN-International Convention on Women's Mental Health and Empowerment, 2024, Institute of Social, Malaysia
Salmi Razali et al (2023) for " HIBUR-An Innovation on Stress Management" Business and Management Virtual Innovation and Invention of Ideas Competition (VIIC) 2023; Faculty of Business Management, UiTM Universiti level 2023
Salmi Razali et al (2023) for "Acomprehensive ECT Information Kit: Empowering Mental Health Awareness" Business and Management Virtual Innovation and Invention of Ideas Competition (VIIC) 2023, Universiti level, 2023
Salmi Razali et al (2023) for "Information Kit for Managing Emotional Distress" Business and Management Virtual Innovation and Invention of Ideas Competition (VIIC)2023, Universiti level, 2023
Salmi Razali et al (2023) for My SMART Minda: Formula to Enhance Emotional IntelligenceBusiness and Management Virtual Innovation and Invention of Ideas Competition (VIIC) 2023Universiti2023
Salmi Razali et la (2023) for " Health and Wellness at UNI" International E-Content Development Competition (eCONDEV) 2023, Universiti level, 2023
Nurul Azreen Hashim ... Salmi Razali (2023) " Rawatan Penyakit Psikiatri" International E-Content Development Competition (eCONDEV) 2023, Universiti level, 2023
Saw Jo Anne ...Salmi Razali et al (2023) Moticoach for ParentsDigit360, Digital Information Interest Group (DIGIT) & College of Computing, Informatics and Medica , UiTM Kelantan Universiti level, 2023
Salmi Razali et al (2023) " Tingkatkan Jati Diri: An innovative Counselling to Enhance Internal Locus of Control"SDG Innovation IBSD 2023Universiti2023
- Zainal Abidin, ANI; Badlishah Sham, SF; MIPTAH, HN, Ariffin F, Razali, S(2023);Association of Coping Mechanisms with Medication Adherence Among Young People Living with HIV (PLHIV), 9th Asia Pacific Primary Care Research Conference; Malaysian Family Physician Journal
- Salmi Razali (2023) Workshop Training the Trainer Psychiatry Conjoint Malaysia; Invited Speaker for topic Introduction to NPMC 7-8 December 2023
- Salmi Razali et al (2023) 4th Nursing Research Colloquium 2023 Ministry of Health, Malaysia Co Author project entitled sleeping pattern and self-reported domestic Violence during the Pandemic covid-19 in Malaysia 15-16 March 2023
- Salmi Razali et al (2023) Housewives Convention 2023 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia First Author project entitled Suicide and self-Reported Domestic Violence during the Pandemic Covid -19 Pandemic in Malaysia 28 October 2023
- Housewives Convention 2023 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Co Author project entitled sexual relationship behavior and self-reported domestic Violence during the Pandemic covid-19 in Malaysia 28 October 2023
- Housewives Convention 2023 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Co Author project entitled Substance abuse and Domestic Violence during the Pandemic Covid -19 Pandemic in Malaysia 28 October 2023
- "P.A.P.E.R. WORKSHOP (Prepare And Practice for Exam Revision) on 18 September 2023 - 19 September 2023" "Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences University Putra Malaysia" "Invited Speaker for topic entitled Approach to SBAQ and EMI & Approach and Practice: Mental State Examination" 18 September 2023 - 19 September 2023
- 27th Malaysian Conference of Psychological Medicine Malaysian Psychiatric Association "Oral presenter for paper entitled "" Rehabilitation of Illness and Support for Education (RISE):The three tiers of mental health support for students of higher learning" 13-15 October 2023
- E-Content Development Competition 2023 "The Institute of Continuing Education and Professional Studies (iCEPS),Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)" Oral presenter for project entitled "Health and Wellness@UNI" 22nd- 24thAugust 2023
- Conference of Language, Education, Humanities & Social Sciences i-LEdHS 2021 UiTM Campus Machang in collaboration with Umn 18 Universitas Gajah mada Co-author for the presentation 22 February 2021
- E-Content Development Competition 2023 "The Institute of Continuing Education and Professional Studies (iCEPS),Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)" Co-author for project entitled "Psychiatric Disease Treatment" 22nd- 24thAugust 2023
- 9th Innovation, Invention and Design Competition, 2020 UiTM Perak Campus First Author for project "Positive Mind: … 2021
- Nor Hidayah Jaris, Salmi Razali (2021) Generalised Anxeirty Disorder among People with HIV Receiving Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy ;International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences 2021 (i-LEdHS2021) 2020
- Salmi Razali, Khairol Ahmad Ramadzan Md Isa, Halimatun Saadiah Razak, Saratul Adzikin Ahmad Tarmizi, Nurul Aqilah Hussin (2020) Ayuh Ceria; Selesai Masalah (ID54); 3rd Digitalised Invention, Innovation and Design Competitions (DIID) Johor UiTM. Business and Management Virtual Innovation and Invention of Ideas Competition 2023 Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers
- Co-Author (First Runner-Up) for paper entitled "Coping Strategy and Depression among Caregivers of Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Care 24-25 June 2020 19 AMERABRA Virtual Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies, 1st Series; Shah Alam, Malaysia Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers Oral presenter for project entitled "Determinants for Healthy Lifestyle of Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia 24-25 June 2020,
- S, Zariq NZ, Wan Nur Atiqah WMZ, Ajau, D and Salmi, Razali (2019); "Sexuality Means Sex": Opinions of Parents on Sexuality Education in Malaysia; International Conference on Healthcare and Technology
- Mohd Izwan, MN; Salmi, Razali ; Chua, YA; and Hapizah, MN (2019); Quality of Life and Stress among Staff in an Academic Institution; UiTM Research Fiesta 2019; UiTM
- Fatimah E, Nurul Azreen, H, Umi Adzlin, S, Mariam, M and Salmi Razali (2019);Parental Stress Among Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder; 4th Hospital Kuala Lumpur Research Day and Clinical Trials Day 2019
- Salmi, Razali; Yap, Bee Wah; Chua, Yung-An; Hapizah,M Nawawi (2019) Contributing Factors for Healthy Lifestyle of Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia; 12th Congress of APSAVD Taiwan.
- Nur Fazliney SS, Syakirah H and Salmi, Razali (2019); Understanding Support for Mothers in Prison: Opinions of Incarcerated Mothers; UiTM Research Fiesta; UiTM
- Anissah, FA, Sakinah, AH, Farah Amalina MF and Razali, Salmi (2019) Challenges in Providing Baby Hatch Service in Malaysia. A Qualitative Study; UiTM Research Fiesta 2019; UiTM
- Nor Hidayah Jaris and Salmi Razali (2019) Support System and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) among People with Stigmatized Illness; A Study of Patients with Retroviral Disease; UiTM Research Fiesta 2019; UiTM
- Razali, S, Bahiyah, D Suzanna, A Farnaza, D Razif, S Noor Ashikin, MNK and Fatimah, S (2019) Opinion of Young People on the Crises of Emerging Adulthood: Premarital Sex, Ex-nuptial Pregnancy and Infant Abandonment; 6th International Conference on Science & Social Research.
Nur Fazliney SS, Syakirah H, Salmi Razali (2018) , Support Systems for Mothers in Prison ; The 6th Putrajaya International Conference On Children, Women, Elderly And People with Disabilities 2018; Bangi, Selangor 13-14 October; eISBN 9789672072287
Syakirah H, NurFazliney SS, Salmi Razali (2018) , Narrative of becoming mother in prison, The 6th Putrajaya International Conference On Children, Women, Elderly And People with Disabilities 2018; Bangi, Selangor 13-14 October; eISBN 9789672072287
Salmi Razali et al. (2018) Basic Early Childhood Psychology, A Free Online Course to provide Insights on Human Development; International Conference of Clinical and Health Sciences; Kuala Lumpur; 1-2 November 2017
Salmi Razali et al (2018). Perception of Media In Reporting Domestic Violence In Malaysia; International Conference on Clinical & Health Sciences, Kuala Lumpur; 1-2 November 2017 (eISSN0127984x)
Salmi Razali (2017), Polyvictimisation: Experience of Women Convicted of Filicide in Malaysia; 5th International Conference on Social Science Research 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 27-28 March 2017, Oral presentation and Full paper proceeding (e-ISBN: 978-967-0792-14-9)
Salmi Razali, Suzanna Daud, Bahiyah Abdullah (2017); Say " No" to Social Transgression, Violence and Victimisation through "PEACE for Women"; ZAWFI 2017, UiTM; Full Paper Proceeding (ISBN 978-967-0171-80-7)
Salmi Razali, Maggie Kirkman, Jane Fisher (2016); Overlaps and Gaps in Understanding Filicide in Malaysia: Framework Analysis of the Perspectives of Convicted Women and Service Providers; the International Conference on Women and Children; Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia; 17-18 October 2016; Oral presentation and Full paper proceeding (ISBN 978-967-15309-0-0)
Claudia Klier,Jane Fisher,Maggie Kirkman, Salmi Razali Filicide; Transcultural Perspective to Inform Prevention; German Marce Society Symposium the International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference 2016, Melbourne, Australia 26-28 September 2016
Salmi Razali, Maggie Kirkman, Jane Fisher; Consultation with Key Informants in Malaysia on Why Women Commit Filicide; the International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference 2016, Melbourne, Australia 26-28 September 2016
Salmi Razali, Maggie Kirkman, Jane Fisher; Personal Perspectives from Women Convicted of Filicide in Malaysia; the International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference 2016, Melbourne, Australia 26-28 September 2016
Salmi Razali, Maggie Kirkman, Jane Fisher Overlaps and Gaps in Understanding Filicide in Malaysia:Framework Analysis of the Perspectives of Convicted Women and Service Providers; the International Conference on Women and Children; Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia; 17-18 October 2016
Salmi Razali, Women at Risks: Abortion, Infanticide & Violence; Filicide and Domestic Violence; 20th Malaysian Conference of Psychological Medicine (MCPM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 2-4 June 2016: Oral presentation
Salmi Razali, Maggie Kirkman, Jane Fisher; Why do women commit filicide? Opinions of Key informants in Malaysia; 18th International Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISPOG), Malaga, Spain, 12-14th May 2016, Oral proceeding; ISBN 978 – 84 – 608 – 8791 - 1
Salmi Razali, Maggie Kirkman, Jane Fisher, Understanding the life experiences of women convicted of filicide in Malaysia; 18th International Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISPOG), Malaga, Spain, 12-14th May 2016, Oral proceeding; ISBN 978 – 84 – 608 – 8791 – 1
Razali S, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2015). Understanding women convicted of filicide10th Asia Pacific Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (APCCAN) 2015, Kuala Lumpur; Oral presentation
Razali S, S Hassan Ahmad, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2015). Estimated and inferred infanticide and infant abandonment rates for Malaysia;10th Asia Pacific Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (APCCAN) 2015, Kuala Lumpur; Oral presentation
Razali S, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2014). Challenges of Conducting Research in a Middle-Income Country on Women Convicted of Filicide; 8th Annual Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) Postgraduate (PG) Conference; The University of Sydney Law School, 30 September; Poster Presentation
Razali S, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2014). Infant abandonment and infanticide in Malaysia: Do the available data permit the characterisation of the victims and the suspected perpetrators; 27th annual Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology (ANZSOC) Conference; The University of Sydney Law School, 1-3 October; Oral Presentation.
Razali S, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2014). Understanding filicide by women in Malaysia, The International Marcé Society Scientific Conference; Swansea University, Wales; 10-12 September, Oral presentation
Syed Hassan Bin Syed Ahmad Almashoor, Salmi Binti Razali ,Raba'iah Mohd Salleh, Badiah Yahya "Maternal Filicide In Malaysia: Motive Of Killing And Penalty For Woman Who Kill Her Child", The 11th Indo Pacific Association of Law, Medicine and Science Congress (INPALMS 2013); Shangrila Hotel; Kuala Lumpur; Poster and Published Abstract Malaysian Journal of Pathology; 2013; 35(2); pg 226
Razali S, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2015). Understanding women convicted of filicide in Malaysia, The International Marcé Society Scientific Conference; Swansea University, Wales; 10-12 September 2014, Archives of Women's Mental Health; April 2015, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp 269–408 ( IF: 2.61; Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health)
Razali S, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2014). Filicide by Women in Malaysia; Inaugural International Conference on Filicide, Monash University, Prato, Italy: 29-31 May;Oral presentation
Razali S, S Hassan Ahmad, Kirkman M, Fisher J. (2014). Baby Abandonment and Socioeconomic Factors in Malaysia (2013), Australasian Marcé Society 2013 Conference, Melbourne; 11-12 October: Poster presentation
S Hassan Ahmad, Salmi Razali, Raba’iah Mohd Salleh and Badiah Yahya, (2013) Maternal Filicide in Malaysia: Motive of Killing and Penalty for Woman Who Kill Her Child; The 11th Indo Pacific Association of Law, Medicine and Science Congress (INPALMS 2013) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;7–10 October: Poster Presentation
Salmi Razali, Raba’iah Mohd Salleh, Badiah Yahya, S. Hassan Ahmad, Maggie Kirkman, Jane Fisher (2013); Case Series of Women with Maternal Filicide admitted to Forensic Psychiatric Wards in Malaysia; RANZCP New Zealand Conference, The Langham, Auckland; 16-18 September; Poster presentation
Syed Hassan Almashoor, Raja Khuzaiah Razak, Aimi Nadia Mohd Yusof, Salmi Razali; Education in Bioethics and Medical Ethics; Abstract proceeding 10th World Congress of Bioethics; Singapore; July 2010
Azlinawati Nikmat, R Salmi, SH Almashoor ; Quality of Life:Nursing in Dementia: Nursing Homes vs Family Cares Abstract proceeding: 4th Annual Research Workshop ;2009, Faculty of Medicine , UiTM
Azlinawati Nikmat, R Salmi, O Ainsah; Psychological wellbeing, Coping styles and Factors that contribute to Stress among Preclinical Medical Students Abstract proceeding: 4th Annual Research Workshop ;2009, Faculty of Medicine, UiTM